• Notice
vignette simple

Type(s) de contenu et mode(s) de consultation : Texte noté : électronique

Auteur(s) : Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (France)  Voir les notices liées en tant qu'auteur

Titre(s) : Persistence of inter-industry wages differentials : a reexamination on matched worker-firm panel data

Traduction de : Persistance des hiérarchies sectorielles de salaires : un réexamen sur données françaises

Type de ressource électronique : 1 ressource électronique

Publication : [Paris] : Insee, 12/1995

Collection : Document de travail (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques. En ligne) ; G9505 bis

Lien à la collection : Document de travail (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques. En ligne) 

Sujet(s) : Main-d'oeuvre  Voir les notices liées en tant que sujet
Entreprises  Voir les notices liées en tant que sujet

Identifiant de la notice  : ark:/12148/cb47028751m

Notice n° :  FRBNF47028751 (notice reprise d'un réservoir extérieur)

Résumé : In this paper, we estimate inter-industry wage differentials with French longitudinal data allowing to follow both employers and employees and to control for bias linked to unemployment selectivity. We relie on the annual labor force surveys, conducted by the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Surveys, that provide longitudinal data over the 1990-1995 period. Our major findings are : - in cross-sections, differences in wages for workers with the same measured characteristics across industries are substantial. These cross-sectional differences are very stable over time, and do not vary across different types of workers : industry wage structure is more or less the same for graduate workers and unqualified workers, for prime age workers and younger ones. - cross-industry wage differentials, very persistent through time, are mainly explained by unmeasured differences in ability and efficiency of workers : two thirds of the variance of cross-sectional wage differentials correspond to individual unmeasured abilities. "True" wage differences exist across industries, but only explain the remaining one third of the variance. They reflect transitory desequilibria and are quasi uncorrelated with the persistent cross-sectional wage differentials. - this result is not consistent with the noncompetitive hypothesis, and suggests that, beyond the sole wage dimension, the employer-employee relation has to be modelize over again. We propose a model where unobserved wage-abilities are also an asset that improves the match between workers and their firms. Ultimately, the persistence of the inter-industry wage differentials reflects the persistence of the differences between industries with high potential of stable jobs, on the one hand, and industries where the potential matchings are far more unstable, on the other hand. [source INSEE]

Exemplaire : Bibliothèque de l'Insee Alain Desrosières. bnsp-1035-G9505b (bnsp-1035-G9505b.pdf)

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Autres auteurs : Goux, Dominique ; Maurin, Eric

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