Notice bibliographique
- Notice
Type(s) de contenu et mode(s) de consultation : Texte noté. Image fixe : sans médiation
Titre(s) : Manual of clinical phonetics [Texte imprimé] / edited by Martin J. Ball
Publication : London : Routledge : Taylor & Francis Group, copyright 2021
Description matérielle : 1 vol. (570 pages) : illustrations (color) ; 24 cm
Note(s) : Notes bibliogr. Index
Autre(s) auteur(s) : Ball, Martin John (1951-....). Éditeur scientifique
Sujet(s) : Troubles de la parole
Troubles du langage
Indice(s) Dewey :
616.855 (23e éd.) = Troubles de la parole et du langage (médecine)
Identifiants, prix et caractéristiques : ISBN 9780367336288 (br.). - ISBN 9780367336295 (rel.). - ISBN 9780429320903 (e-book)
Identifiant de la notice : ark:/12148/cb467746686
Notice n° :
(notice reprise d'un réservoir extérieur)
Table des matières : Cover ; Endorsements ; Half Title ; Title Page ; Copyright Page ; Dedication
; Contents ; Contributors ; Preface ; Acknowledgements ; Part I: Foundations of
clinical phonetics ; 1. Articulatory phonetics for the speech clinician ; 2. Acoustic
phonetics for the speech clinician ; 3. Auditory phonetics for the speech clinician
; 4. Perceptual phonetics for the speech clinician ; 5. Suprasegmental phonetics
; 6. An introduction to speech disorders ; Part II: Variationist clinical phonetics
; 7. Clinical phonetics across languages and dialects
8. Cultural and multilingual sources of phonetic variation: Implications for clinical
practice ; 9. Stylistic variation in misarticulations ; 10. Analyzing phonetic
data with generalized additive mixed models ; Part III: Phonetic transcription ;
11. The nature of phonetic transcription ; 12. The IPA ; 13. Transcribing disordered
speech ; 14. Teaching and learning clinical phonetic transcription ; 15. Transcribing:
By target or by realization? ; 16. Examples of narrow phonetic transcription in disordered
sp ; Part IV: Instrumentation ; Preliminaries
17. The nature of phonetic instrumentation ; 18. Recording speech: Methods and formats
; 19. The PhonBank database within TalkBank, and a practical overview of the Phon
program ; Instrumental analysis of articulatory phonetics ; 20. Electromyography
; 21. Speech aerometry ; 22. Laryngoscopy and stroboscopy ; 23. Electrolaryngography/electroglottography
; 24. Nasometry ; 25. Electropalatography ; 26. Electromagnetic articulography
; 27. Magnetic resonance imaging ; 28. Video tracking in speech ; 29. Ultrasound
tongue imaging
Instrumental analysis of acoustic, auditory, and perceptual phonetics ; 30. Sound
spectrography ; 31. Pure tone audiometry and speech audiometry ; 32. Altered sensory
feedback in speech ; 33. Dichotic listening ; 34 Perceptual phonetic experimentation
; Speech recognition and speech synthesis ; 35. Automatic speech recognition in the
assessment of child speech ; 36. Clinical applications of speech synthesis ; Author
index ; Subject index