Notice bibliographique
- Notice
Type(s) de contenu et mode(s) de consultation : Texte noté. Image cartographique : sans médiation
Titre(s) : The classical tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300-1500 [Texte imprimé] : translation, imitation, and literacy / Lluis Cabré, Alejandro Coroleu, Montserrat Ferrer, Albert Lloret, Josep Pujol
Publication : Woodbridge : Tamesis, 2018
Description matérielle : 1 vol. (XIV, 289 p.) ; 24 cm
Collection : Coleccion Tamesis: Serie A, Monografias ; 374
Lien à la collection : Colección Támesis. Serie A. Monografías
Note(s) : Includes bibliographical references (pages 231-269) and indexes. - Bibliogr. p. 231-269, index.
"This book offers the first comprehensive study of the reception of the classical
tradition in medieval Catalan letters, a multilingual process involving not only the
Latin and Catalan languages, but also neighbouring vernaculars like Aragonese, Castilian,
French, and Italian. The authors survey the development of classical literacy from
the twelfth-century Aragonese royal courts until the arrival of the printing press
and the dissemination of Italian Humanism. Aimed at students and scholars of medieval
and early modern Iberia-and to anyone interested in medieval Romance literatures and
the classical tradition-this volume also provides a concise introduction to the medieval
Crown of Aragon, a catalogue of translations into Catalan of texts from the classical
antiquity through the Italian Renaissance, and a critical study of the influence of
the classics in five major works: Bernat Metge's Lo somni, Joanot Martorell's Tirant
lo Blanc, the anonymous Curial e Guelfa, Ausias March's poetry, and Joan Rois de Corella's
prose." -- Back cover
Sujet(s) : Ancien catalan
Manuscrits catalans
Genre ou forme : Littérature catalane -- Avant 1500
Identifiants, prix et caractéristiques : ISBN 9781855663220 (Br.). - ISBN 1855663228
Identifiant de la notice : ark:/12148/cb45451205d
Notice n° :
(notice reprise d'un réservoir extérieur)