Notice bibliographique
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Type(s) de contenu et mode(s) de consultation : Texte noté : sans médiation
Titre(s) : Handbook of Arthurian romance [Texte imprimé] : King Arthur's court in medieval European literature / edited by Leah Tether and Johnny McFadyen ; in collaboration with Keith Busby and Ad Putter
Publication : Berlin : Walter de Gruyter GmbH, copyright 2017
Description matérielle : 1 vol. (XIV, 545 p.) ; 24 cm
Collection : De Gruyter Reference
Lien à la collection : De Gruyter reference
Note(s) : Notes bibliogr. Index
"The renowned and illustrious tales of King Arthur, his knights and the Round Table
pervade all European vernaculars, as well as the Latin tradition. Arthurian narrative
material, which had originally been transmitted in oral culture, began to be inscribed
regularly in the twelfth century, developing from (pseudo-)historical beginnings in
the Latin chronicles of 'historians' such as Geoffrey of Monmouth into masterful literary
works like the romances of Chrétien de Troyes. Evidently a big hit, Arthur found himself
being swiftly translated, adapted and integrated into the literary traditions of almost
every European vernacular during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. This Handbook
seeks to showcase the European character of Arthurian romance both past and present.
By working across national philological boundaries, which in the past have tended
to segregate the study of Arthurian romance according to language, as well as by exploring
primary texts from different vernaculars and the Latin tradition in conjunction with
recent theoretical concepts and approaches, this Handbook brings together a pioneering
and more complete view of the specifically European context of Arthurian romance,
and promotes the more connected study of Arthurian literature across the entirety
of its European context."--Publisher's website
Autre(s) auteur(s) : Tether, Leah. Éditeur scientifique
McFadyen, Johnny. Éditeur scientifique
Busby, Keith. Collaborateur
Putter, Ad (1967-....). Collaborateur
Sujet(s) : Romans de la Table ronde
Indice(s) Dewey :
841.033 09 (23e éd.) = Romans médiévaux en vers de langue française - Histoire et critique
Identifiants, prix et caractéristiques : ISBN 9783110440614 (Br.). - ISBN 311044061X
Identifiant de la notice : ark:/12148/cb453278678
Notice n° :
(notice reprise d'un réservoir extérieur)