Notice bibliographique
- Notice
Type(s) de contenu et mode(s) de consultation : Texte noté : sans médiation
Auteur(s) : Hunting, Russell
Titre(s) : Hunting talking machine telegraphic code, 1898 [Texte imprimé] : ompiled for the talking machine trade and useful in mercantile lines where code telegraphy is desired,iIncluding a complete and classified list of each and every separate part of all talking machines (and accessories) yet invented / compiled by Russell Hunting (for the Bettini phonograph laboratory)
Publication : New York : [s.n.], 1898
Description matérielle : 1 vol. (XXIV-292 p.) ; in-16
Identifiant de la notice : ark:/12148/cb30629246v
Notice n° :