Notice bibliographique
- Notice
Type(s) de contenu et mode(s) de consultation : Texte noté : sans médiation
Titre(s) : Sociology of migration and post-western theory [Texte imprimé] / edited by Laurence Roulleau-Berger and Liu Yuzhao
Publication : Lyon : ENS éditions, 2021
Impression : 53-Mayenne : Impr. Jouve
Description matérielle : 1 vol. (383 p.) ; 23 cm
Collection : De l'Orient à l'Occident, ISSN 2263-3073
Lien à la collection : Collection De l'Orient à l'Occident
Note(s) : Issus de travaux réalisés dans la cadre du LIA, Post western sociology in Europe and
in China. - Notes bibliogr.
Autre(s) auteur(s) : Roulleau-Berger, Laurence (1956-....). Éditeur scientifique
Liu, Yuzhao. Éditeur scientifique
Post western sociology in Europe and in China. Éditeur scientifique
Sujet(s) : Émigration et immigration -- Sociologie -- France -- 2000-....
Migrations intérieures -- Sociologie -- Chine -- 2000-....
Sociologie -- Recherche -- 2000-....
Indice(s) Dewey :
304.807 2 (23e éd.) = Mouvements de populations - Recherche
Identifiants, prix et caractéristiques : ISBN 979-10-362-0404-3 (br.) : 34 EUR
EAN 9791036204043
Identifiant de la notice : ark:/12148/cb46866188w
Notice n° :
Résumé : How to build a Post-Western theory, based on the sociology of migration in France
and in China? Where do Western and Non-Western theories converge, and how do common
and situated knowledge coexist and interlock? Based on French and Chinese research
experiences in the field of migration, this book highlights the proceedings of the
co-production of practical knowledge which explicates the paradigm of Post-Western
sociology. From an empirical standpoint, the cross-perspectives of French and Chinese
researchers on the biographies of young Chinese migrants in China and young descendants
of immigrants in France are confronted, with respect to five themes of migration sociology:
migration and education; migration, gender and family; migration between integration
and urban segregation; migration and work; migration and governance. Through this
work, theoretical continuities and discontinuities between Chinese and French sociology
emerge, paving the way for a Post-Western space, based on shared legacies but also
on traditions and trajectories in international sociology. [source éditeur]