Notice bibliographique

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Type(s) de contenu et mode(s) de consultation : Texte noté : sans médiation

Titre(s) : The image of Russia in the Balkans [Texte imprimé] : [proceedings of international conference, 7-9 November 2011], Faculty of Artes liberales, University of Warsow / conception and academic edition, Jolanta Sujecka ; with the collaboration of Krzysztof Usakiewics

Publication : Warszawa : Wydawnictwo DiG ; Bellerive-sur-Allier : Édition La Rama, 2016

Impression : impr. en Pologne

Description matérielle : 1 vol. (295 p.) : ill. ; 25 cm

Collection : Colloquia Balkanica ; volume 4

Lien à la collection : Colloquia Balkanica 

Note(s) : Textes des communications en anglais et en polonais. - Notes bibliogr. Index

Autre(s) auteur(s) : Sujecka, Jolanta (1959-....). Éditeur scientifique  Voir les notices liées en tant qu'auteur

Sujet(s) : Relations -- Russie -- Balkans -- Histoire  Voir les notices liées en tant que sujet
Relations -- Balkans -- Russie -- Histoire  Voir les notices liées en tant que sujet
Russie -- Dans les représentations sociales -- Balkans -- Histoire  Voir les notices liées en tant que sujet

Genre ou forme : Actes de congrès  Voir les notices liées en tant que genre ou forme

Indice(s) Dewey :  303.482 47049609 (23e éd.) = Contact entre les cultures - Europe de l'Est Russie - Balkans - Histoire  Voir les notices liées en tant que sujet

Identifiants, prix et caractéristiques : ISBN 978-83-7181-972-8 (Wydawnictwo DiG). - ISBN 979-10-95627-15-9 (La Rama) (rel.) : 45 EUR
EAN 9788371819728 (Wydawnictwo DiG)
EAN 9791095627159 (La Rama)

Identifiant de la notice  : ark:/12148/cb45225793w

Notice n° :  FRBNF45225793

Résumé : In some aspects, The Image of Russia in the Balkans continues the first book in the series, The Semantics of Russia in the Balkans, though the present volume definitely contains more extensive material and covers more issues. The image of Russia presented in the papers making up the volume, though multi-themed, seems to split into two main types depending on ethnogenesis and language on the one hand and religion on the other. One might think that there is a Slavic image of Russia, which involves the Slavic cultures of the Balkans, and an Orthodox image, which is Greek and to some degree Albanian and Romanian. This would be the result of the dual discourse developed by Russia with regard to the Balkans that Pedro Bádenas de la Peña writes about. Meanwhile, Balkan images of Russia create more of a multi-layered structure subordinated to Balkan cultural perception while also conducting a dialogue with Russia and its legacy. Developing from the Byzantine tradition, the Balkans and Russia essentially form a space of mutual ties that goes far beyond the cliché of liberator and liberated. Opening up to influences coming from South-Eastern Europe in times when the Ottoman threat was increasing, Russia in a way repaid its “debt” incurred in the early 18th century by sending teachers and books to the Habsburg town of Karlowitz (Sremski Karlovci, Karlovatz). (…) Thus everything came full circle: having taken in refugees from South-Eastern Europe, Russia (…) returned to Turkish Europe, to the Balkans, as a player but also an ideologue, wanting to liberate but also to decide. The only thing is, contrary to the European powers, Russia was a part of that world, which is why its role in the Balkans was different, and this is what the present volume sets out to show. [source éditeur]

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