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2 1731

Prelleur, Peter (1705?-1741)

The modern musick-master or, The universal musician , containing, I. An introduction to singing, after so easy a method, that persons of the meanest capacities may (in a short time) learn to sing (in time) any song that is set to musick. II. Directions for playing on the flute ; with a scale for transposing any piece of musick to the properest keys for that instrument. III. The newest method for learners on the German flute, as improv'd by the greatest masters of the age. IV. Instructions upon the hautboy, in a more familiar method than any extant. V. The art of playing on the violin ; with a new scale shewing how to stop every flat or sharp note, exactly in tune, and where the shifts of the hand should be made. VI. The harpsichord illustrated & improv'd ; wherein is shewn the Italian manner of fingering, with sets of lessons for beginners, & those who are already proficients on that instrument and the organ ; with rules for attaining to play a thorough-bass. In which is included a large collection of airs, and lessons, adapted to the several instruments, extracted from the works of Mr. Handel, Bononcini, Albinoni, and other eminent masters. With a brief history of musick, wherein is related the several changes, additions, and improvements, from its origin to this present time. To which is added, a musical dictionary, explaining such Greek, Latin, Italian, and French words as generally occur in musick. Curiously adorned with cuts representing the manner of performing on every instrument. Fiely engraved on above 320 plates

Musique notée

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3 1716

Lambranzi, Gregorio

Nuova e curiosa scuola de' balli theatrali. Prima[-seconda] parte continente cinquanta balli di diverse nationi, e figure theatrali con i loro vestimenti, si che, come si deve contenera nelle positure di questi balli rapresentate da una leggiera, ma virtuosa maniera, e con le arie, e con pieno, e necessario avvertimento, come ogn'uno hà da contenersi in simili balli, si che questi ancor senza d'un ballarino si possono facilmente apprenderli, e senza aver conoscenza della chorographia ogn' uno da se solo con ogni facilita legendo i medemi e vedendo le positure potrà imprimerseli nella memoria Inventati e dati alla luce. Da Gregorio Lambranzi, maestro de' bali francesi, inglesi, ridiculi e serij in aria ed à terra, e compositore de' balli theatrali Disegnati, e intagliati da Giovanni Giorgio Puschner, intagliatore di rame in Norimberga A: MDCCXVI. Neue und curieuse theatralische Tantz-Schul Erster [-zweiter] Theil in sich haltend, 50 Täntze, von allerhand Nationen, und theatralischen Figuren, so wohl in ihrer Kleidung, als auch wie man sich in denen Posituren, so diese Täntze vorstellen, auf eine kunstmassige doch leichte Manier, zu samt denen, dazu gehörigen Arien, wie der volkomene Bericht ausweißet, zu verhalten habe, ingleichen wie man eine jede der selbingen, ohne einem Tantz Meister, und Chorographiae zu wissen begreiffen, und beÿ Durchleußng alles, gar leicht in daß Gedaechtnus bringen möge Erfunden und ans Licht gestellt von Gregorio Lambranzi ital. Tantz-Meistern und Componisten, allerleÿ frantz., englischer, wie auch schertz- und ernsthaffter theatralischen Tantze. Gezeichnet und in Kupffer gestochen von Johann Georg Puschner Kupfferstecher in Nürnberg Ao 1716


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