187 Notices bibliographiques

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    • Ives, Charles (1874-1954)
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  • Enregistrements sonores
  • François Mitterrand
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7 19..

Sonate pour piano n ° 2, CONCORD MASS 1840-60 / Ives (Charles) ; Kirkpatrick (John). Quatuors à cordes n ° 1, 2 / Ives (Charles) ; le Quatuor Juilliard. THREE PLACES IN NEW ENGLAND : The St Gaudens in Boston Common (Col. Shaw and his colored Regiment), Putnam's Camp, Redding, Connecticut, From the Housatonic at Stockbridge (Robert Underwood Johnson) / Ives (Charles) ; Philadelphia Orch., Ormandy (Eugene), dir.. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY / Ives (Charles) ; le New York Philharmonik, Bernstein (Léonard) dir.. ROBERT BROWNING OUVERTURE / Ives (Charles) ; American Symphony Orch., Stokowski (Léopold), dir.. GENERAL WILLIAM BOOTH ENTERS INTO HEAVEN. SERENITY. THE CIRCUS BAND. DECEMBER. THE NEW RIVER. THREE HARVEST HOME CHORALES : Harvest Home, Lord of the Harvest Harvest Home / Ives (Charles) ; Gregg Smith Singers ; Columbia chamber, orch, Beegle (Raymond), orgue, Smith (Gregg), dir. Drake (Archie), basse. PS 100 : MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE UNTO THE LORD. Ps 67 : GOD BE MERCIFUL UNTO US. Ps 24 : THE EARTH IS THE LORD'S / Ives (Charles) ; Gregg Smith Singers, Ithaca College Concert Choir ; The Texas Boys Choir of Fort Worth ; Beegle (Raymond), orgue, Smith (Gregg), dir.. Ps 90 : LORD, THOU HAST BEEN OUR DWELLING PLACE / Ives (Charles) ; Gregg Smith Singers, Ithaca College Concert Choir ; The Texas Boys Choir of Fort Worth ; Beegle (Raymond), orgue, Smith (Gregg), dir. ; Martinez (Esther), soprano ; Brown (Melvin), ténor. Ps 150 : PRAISE YE THE LORD, PRAISE GOD / Ives (Charles) ; Gregg Smith Singers, Ithaca College Concert Choir ; The Texas Boys Choir of Fort Worth ; Beegle (Raymond), orgue, Smith (Gregg), dir.
CBS S77406

Enregistrements sonores